Some information you also be Surprised to know about human body. Human body always a Surprising matter.
1. Every day women loss their hair more than men.
2. As men lose about 40 hair every day and women lose about 70 heir average.
3. There are plenty of salt in the human body. Sea salt is equal to the amount of salt in the blood of a human body.
4. Relatively a man becomes taller in the morning than at night.
5. 1000 times the average daily amount of heart in the human body blood transfusion.
6. Our eye coloration stay with our eye just 150 days.
7. Eyebrow has nearly 500 hair in human eye.
8. A human body has an average of nearly one hundred billion nerves.
9. One of the bones of the human body is much more solid than the concrete coagulation.
10. Springtime is very important for children because they grew the most during the spring.
11. Human head skull are made by 26 different types of bones.
12. When we Sneeze, then all inner parts of our body are stop even our heart for mile second.
13. Tongue is one of the most powerful muscle in the human body.
14. A man was urinating six times normal a daily
15. The food from the mouth to the stomach takes only 7 seconds
16. When people sneeze in his nose out of the air at speeds of 100 km.
17. Thigh muscle in your body's biggest muscle
18. The smallest bone in the human body is the ear bones
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