There are 3 parts to our ears namely- External, Middle and Inner ear. External ear is one inch long. When this part is infected by Fungal, then it is called Otomycosis. Among many kinds of fungus Aspergillusniger, Candida albicans creates this kind problem so much.
Reason Of Otomycosis
This disease is more common in hot and humid environment. When Your body is sweating, then your ear piercing also be wet. In this situation this kind of disease attack much. Heir dandruff also a reason of this disease. Dirty things like chicken feature, dirty cotton bar, dirty stick or if you visit quack then fungus can be attacked. When anyone wants learn to swim then water can enter into your ear, then fungus can attack. If you are using antibiotic ear drop science long time, then this problem may be happen.
Some forensic body like cockroach, ant, mosquito bits, then this disease can be happens. Diabetics patient and pregnant women mostly attack by this disease.
Prefix of Otomycosis
In the primary stage if feels bad in ear, itching, ear can be dirty like dandruff. You may feel pain in ear, you can't hear perfectly, some liquid materials can came from ear, if you wipe your ear then some wet black materials you can see. You can also see dirty materials like newsprint paper. Which is some smell like musty odour. It can be many color like yellowish grain. Fungus can be many colors, it's actually depends on its increasing level. It can be assessed by microscope. If fungus attack with bacteria or virus then external ear funnel may swelling and close.
Treatment of Otomycosis Disease
2% salicylic acid is ancient treatment of this disease. It's a well known treatment. Or you can also use Preclorice of Mercury 1:4000. But you can not fine this type of medicine in medicine shop. Actually this kind of medicine creates color that's why you can not see perfect condition of your ear. So you can use anti fungus medicine. There are many kinds of anti fungus medicine you will fine any medicine shop. Use it daily after eight hours in row.
Main things is you can use many kinds of medicine, But you should clean your ear daily. If necessary, then do it more in a day. For cleaning your ear you may need special doctor, forceps, Suction. If needed you can use pichkari or small formation gun. But if you use pichkari, then do not do it yourself, You may go to doctor. Use anti fungal cream with soft and clean cotton bar in your ear. Before using cream you must clean your ear. Keep it running. If you will be hale, then keep running medicine about one week.
If you feel more pain in external ear, then you can use anti fungal mixing with steroid. You get better result. But do not use for long time. If needed then go to doctor and take others medicine like antibiotic, antihistamine or pain killer, if doctor suggest. Hot fomentation is good for ear pain.
Reference By: Dr. Mohammad Jakaria
Nose, Ear and Throat Specialist
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