Sunday, February 21, 2016

Adulteration in Spice and Energy Drink It's harmful Impact of Human Body

We are discussing about Adulteration in Food. We already posted one article about this, if you miss then you can read our previous post. Adulteration means when anyone mixes anything with food which are harmful for animal or human body. From the last article we can say Adulteration in Food happens mostly in the third world country. However, Hope we will know everything. Business man will do this for more profit. But they don't have any care people's healthy life.

Formalin in Fish and Vegetable

Only for profit businessman mix formalin with fish and vegetable and make this food to poison. Everybody knows this but anyone does not care anything. Sometimes police caught this formalin mix food but they do not control over poison chemical. From wholesaler carbide mix with food. For administrative surveillance wholesaler cannot mix this poison. But who plant this food this poison mix from there. Even formalin push by injection in big size fish. It's actually unbelievable which ice made for conservation for fish these ice is made formalin mixes water. These ice is using for conserving fish whole day. So anyone cannot know that fish is conservation by formalin. But you can know this if you will be a little conscious that when ice will make by only water then it color will be white. But if it will be mix with formalin then its color will be light brown.

Unhealthy Food Products of Bakery

In these country its common unhealthy bakery build here and there. These bakery always make unhealthy snacks. Maximum bakery are unhealthy, smut, mud water, dirty and full with trash, including all about to every bakery is full of dirty environment. Mosquito and fly are flying everywhere within this environment every food products will make here. Maximum factory are made by tinfoil. This tinfoil has many hole. Outside trash enter by this holes. Labor smash flour by dirty two hands even some time they use legs for smashing flour. They don't ware any uniform when they work. They are sweating when they work in this situation every product like biscuit, cake, bread etc. are making in these factories. In these factories owner mix Adulteration in flour dalda, low quality oil, rotten egg for more profit. Peppermint, soda and baking powder use for making bread and cake. For conservation these food products talo, faty acid, emasculating etc. uses in these factories.

Poisonous Energy Drinks and Juice

About to every energy drinks and juice are made here by manually. But government done give permission any company make Energy Drinks, Juice, and healthy junk food by hand. Every Energy Drinks and Juice company must have make their product by machine. There are no apace for touch. Many company use rectify sprite for making energy drinks. Actually they do not have any permission. Sometime police arrest them but it's not enough. Every drinks will be biol in 120 degree and this drinks must be refine well and mix others materials in tantamount and whole over process will be auto machine. But who cares.

Spice color is bricks and wood power

Foe more profit one kind dishonest businessman poisoning color mix with spice. Low quality pepper power, rice power, flour power, wood power, bricks power mix with spice. It's horrible which color is made for cloth this color is mixed with food. People are cheated when they buy these products. Dishonest businessman mix bricks power with pepper power, Peas power mix with turmeric power, for looking more attractive chemical color mix with spice, As a result spice will be more spicy. But over all of them are unhealthy and mostly people are dying slowly by eating these poison.

To Be Continue... 

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