It's call Ladies Finger but actually its original name is Okra. There is no man who do not like Ladies Finger fry or Ladies Finger curry. Okra seems to like lades narrow finger. That's why it called Ladies Finger.
Okra is full of nutrient, herbal medicine and its very useful for health. You may do not know Ladies finger how much important for your health. So read here learn about Ladies fingers nutrient.
Ladies finger is very useful for Asma disease. Ancient doctor used Ladies finger for cure Asma disease. Okra seeds oil decrease your Asphyxia disease.
Ladies Finger Control Diabetics
In over all One of the most important medicine is Ladies Finger control Diabetics. In every hundred gram Ladies finger contains .07 milligram thiamine, .06 milligram niacin, .01 milligram riboflavin. Every materiel of these gives nutrient for nerve system of diabetics patient. So every diabetics patient should eat Ladies finger in their daily routine.
Work as a medicine for Prostate gland illness
One of another excellent nutrient contain ladies finger which is it will increase urine flow and make smooth. It will Protect Prostate gland increasing. Boil Ladies finger with water then stain slippery water and drink it daily, it will increase flow of urine.
Ladies Finger will remove Constipation and abdominal pain
Ladies Finger contain plant of fiver. So if you eat Ladies finger daily, then this fiver will remove Constipation. This fiver's Digestion will be very easily. That's why it will help for your full digestion system.
For Skin Care
Ladies Finger is very useful for Skin. Ladies finger will decrease Acne. It will remove your skin dirty. It will also recover you from skin damages. Ladies Finger also Increase your Blood circulation and your skin will be shiny by eating Ladies Finger.
Ladies Finger will Strong Your Bones and Teethes
Each every hundred milligram Ladies Finger you will get sixty milligram calcium, 1.5 milligram iron. As a result Calcium will strong your bones and Iron will strong your teeth. If you are attack by teeth disease then Ladies Finger is very useful for these kinds of disease.
Ladies Finger will Care your Hair
Ladies Finger contain some herbal materiel which are very useful for hair. You can call Ladies Finger as a natural conditioner. Ladies Finger will decrease your hair fall and it will also increase brightness of hair.
So Ladies Finger has various nutrition so keep this food in your daily food list. This will keep save your healthy Life.
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