Grapefruit is semi sweet and semi sore fruit. It's look nice and normally outer looks green but when it ripe then it looks yellow and inner view like red or pinkish. Grapefruit is sub-tropical region fruit. Naturally Grapefruit is hybrid fruit and this Grapefruit actually an accidentally cross between sweet orange and pomelo. There is no one who does not like grapefruit juice. It's very tasty and lot of benefits drinking grapefruit There is many usefulness of grapefruit, We will learn in this post.
All people loves Grapefruit very much. Grapefruit is lemon category food. Among all lemon food Grapefruit is most Nutrient-rich food. Grapefruit is full of vitamin. Among all fruits, Grapefruit has most vitamin C. One Grapefruit contains about 1.5 milligram vitamin C. Others lemon fruit has average three four to sixty-three milligram vitamin C. Even Pineapple and Amalaki has below average vitamin C.
So we can see Grapefruit has most vitamin C then other's lemon category fruit. We all know that ' Vitamin C is one of the most important element for human body'. Grapefruit also has excessive ascorbic acid. Which is most important for healthy body. It has also many kinds of vitamin elements, like starch, protein, calcium, Vitamin B, carotene.
Here Healthy Life gives Grapefruit nitration facts amount per 100 grams. Grapefruit has 42 % Calories, fat 0.1 %, Potassium 135 gm, Carbohydrate 11 gm, various kind of fiver 7, it has also 7 % Sugar, Protein 0.9 %. Vitamin A 23 %, Calcium 2 %, Vitamin C 52 %, and Vitamin B-6 has 5 %and Magnesium has 2 %.
We are all know that vitamin C prevents many kinds of disease. Like gum disease, helps to recover body's wound. Vitamin C helps to womb children for build up their healthy life & vitamin C also work as an anti-oxidant for human organ. Vitamin C prevent many diseases of stomach and intestine, Vitamin C also work as a medicine of scurvy disease.
'If' we eat daily these fruit in our daily food chart then we can meet up our Vitamin C demand. Grapefruit is a cheap fruit and easy to find. You can meet your demand of Vitamin C without eating orange by Grapefruit. It does not mean you do not eat orange. Orange is valuable and seasonal fruit. But Grapefruit is inexpensive and available. That's why every doctor encourage for eating Grapefruit.
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