Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Blindness of Eye and How to Prevent Night Blindness

Here in this article we are going to discuss about to care of eye. Actually we are going to tell about most important vitamin for eye.  You will never be blind for vitamin if you eat this kind of food continuously. It's a pathetic approximately  about 500000 to 250000 children go blind in a year and approximately half of them die in a year. Children eye care is most important because today's children are the next future.

What is the reason of Blind? 

There are many reasons for this blind. One of most important reason is vitamin A. Want of vitamin A fever can attack. Children cannot eat. Diarrhea can attack, As a result children will loss most important nutritious element from body. So we can see shortage of vitamin from body. As a result eye will be dry for want of eye water. Wound will be in eye. It's called Xerophthalmia

What kind of Nutrition is needed and why?

1. Vitamin A is the most important and valuable nutrition element for eye. Vitamin A will save many parts of eye cover. Want of vitamin A these part of eye will be dry. Wound will be attack to eye rash and later eye will be damage.

2. Now a days it's proven by scientist vitamin C and vitamin E also needed with vitamin A. It can call together Anti-Oxidant. Which kind of blindness will be held for increase of ages, these anti-oxidant will prevent that blindness. 

3. Want of protein eye will be damage and also many kinds of disease can be held for shorting of protein.

4. In the third world county children suffer with night blindness for want of vitamin A. Retina is the most sensitive part of eye. Shortage of Vitamin A retina will be damage. As a result children will be blind for permanently.

What Can We Do for Blindness?

1. Including all children are most attack by blindness shortage of vitamin A, So when a baby born then he must drink mother's breast milk. When a baby born mother's breast milk is the most important food for the child. Mother's breast milk contain all vitamin. If a baby drink mother's milk when it born, then the baby will get all vitamin for its mother's breast milk. So he will not suffer blindness for shortage of vitamin A. 

2.  Balance foods must be given every children from their family and they should be used to about balance foods. Balance food means this food which contain all kind of vitamin.

3. Small fish, vegetable, ripe fruits, Vegetable hotchpotch contain many vitamin so children should be used to about these kinds of foods.

4. If fever and diarrhea will attack then parents should give their child balance foods and liquid food. May be child will be vomiting so give these kinds of foods. So that children are not suffered for shortage of vitamin.

5. If child will see in night like fuzzy then do not be late, go to doctor quickly and take advise from doctor.

6. By taking serious and right treatment timely night blindness can be solve.

7. Including all if any patient does not relief from night blindness, then he should take advice from doctor. If needed then doctor can do cataract eye surgery.

Including all most important thing is night blindness can be prevent by eating and drinking  balance and nutrient food timely. Media can publicity about night blindness. Government can take important steps about night blindness. Over all parents should be more careful for their children so that child can get balance food.

Reference By: Dr. Shams Mohammad Noman
Child Specialist     

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