We can find few more people who does not suffer by less is more piles. Piles means when anus is swelling and it will be painful. Bleeding from anus, some portion of anus hanging etc us the symptoms of piles. Piles, hemorrhoid are critical disease for man. When you will go to doctor then doctor will operation for piles but if you choose Homeopathy then piles can be cure without operation. When you attack by piles then you can fell vein of inside and outside anus is swelling. Skin will be hard. Piles seems to grapes.
Piles Mainly Two Kinds:
1. Piles because of blood
2. Piles because of gas or air
Piles because of blood: In this situation when you go to toilet then blood come out from anus. It may be yellowish or radish water.
Plies because of gas or air : In this condition blood or radish water will not come but you fell itching in anus, you may fell deep pain for constipation.
What is the reason of Piles
Which patient are suffered, by piles normally they are attack by constipation. They may be attack by diarrhea and also fell problem in gastric or dysentery. If you will eat rich food, it can not digest well. You can not toilet well. When you going to do toilet, a meat piece came out from anus. Many of people can not talk about this disease because they fell shy, As a result they fall in problem in last life. Then the last way is operation.
Long term constipation, repeatedly attack thread worm, lead extreme sexual life, indigestion, fell pressure of pregnant condition, repeatedly eating rich food, irregular sleep or not enough sleep, By birth this disease can be attacked.
Symptoms of Piles
Sometime anus itching, inflammation, pain. Sometimes it fells like a stick in anus, sometime you can fell pain in waist. Bleeding from anus, or yellowish or radish water can came out from anus.
Treatment of Piles
Which patient are going to extreme label of piles, for them Homeopathy treatment very effective. If they are doing operation, then some piece cut by doctor, As a result patient fell extreme pain. Many patient fall overflow bleeding, As a result place of wound would not dry easily. After operation, anus will be small it will face many problems. Including all patient life will be disturbing all time.
On the other way if you take Homeopathy treatment then you do not face this kind of problem because you do not need any operation. Some kind of Homeopathy medicine like Ukilas Hop, Nuxvom, Sulfur, Hydrostar, collinsonia, Ratan Hia.
Toilet will be clear you should eat this kind of food. Such as vegetable, fruits, juice, a full ages person should drink four to five litter water daily. Oily food, rich food, fried food, more spicy food, musty food should be avoided. Do exercise regularly. Finally, decrease Mental Stimulation.
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