If we want to discuss about Anti-Oxidant, then we should know What is Anti-Oxidant? So Anti-Oxidant is one kind of nutrient, which prevents you from harmful radical and this harmful radical creates in our body freely. Actually Anti-Oxidant incapacitate those harmful radical and help to our health well.
In which material is made by Anti Oxidant?
1. Vitamin: Beta Carotene, vitamin C & vitamin E.
2. Mineral: Zinc vitamin, copur & manganese
3. Enzyme: Super- Oxide vic mutez, Gluba Theon, Per Oxide etc.
2. Mineral: Zinc vitamin, copur & manganese
3. Enzyme: Super- Oxide vic mutez, Gluba Theon, Per Oxide etc.
Mainly Enzyme is soluble protein or made by animal cell. It actually works as a costalist but Enzyme does not get destroy or its not changeable.
Which food contains Anti-Oxidant?
Fresh vegetable, fresh fruits, grapes, harvest, milk, cloves, turmeric, pomegranate, apple, tomato, carrots, marine fishes, organic oil etc. contain Anti-Oxidant. It's proven form research that which anti oxidant we get from nature this are well and more effective. You can buy this anti oxidant from medicine shop as a capsule in . But it does not more effective.
What is free Radicals and how it will create in body?
In the top of this article we can see free radical so what is free radical? Free radical is the smallest part like atom or nuclear of any materials. So free radical is made from joint of many atoms or nuclear. Which is too much poisonous for health.
Free radical is created normally from our body. By digestive system energy creates incessantly on our body. When this digestive system creates energy, then free radical creates automatically by this metabolism. Metabolism means all chemical reaction in your body. However some anti-oxidant, which are already in our body such as Super- Oxide vic mutez, Gluba Theon, Per Oxide, these anti-oxidant disable those free radical, and that's why we can live with healthy life.
Free radical is created normally from our body. By digestive system energy creates incessantly on our body. When this digestive system creates energy, then free radical creates automatically by this metabolism. Metabolism means all chemical reaction in your body. However some anti-oxidant, which are already in our body such as Super- Oxide vic mutez, Gluba Theon, Per Oxide, these anti-oxidant disable those free radical, and that's why we can live with healthy life.
If free radical place in our body extremely then how much be it poisonous?
1. It will damage our cell membrane, so electrolyte balance can be destroy.
2. It damages cell electrolyte
3. Free radical can be destroy your cell nucleus.
2. It damages cell electrolyte
3. Free radical can be destroy your cell nucleus.
4. 'DNA' which is call deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA a contains genetic race. This important part also damage by free radical.
5. It can cause cancer.
6. It will damage cell, As a result you will be old quickly.
Including all Anti-Oxidant prevent us from this damage of our health and keep us healthy. So we should eat daily those food which food contains more Anti-Oxidant.
Reference by: Dr. Shekh Lutfor Rahman
Medicine Specialist
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